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Memories of Carl Balls

From: Sam and Helga Brown
Just heard of Carl's passing today. Our sympathy to the family.

From: Krista Boyd
May all the wonderful memories and photos you have of Carl help to get you all through this difficult time.

From: Fran and Arnold Cohen
Dear Sheila and family, I cannot tell you how sorry we were to learn of Carl's passing. Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. We have such lovely memories of Carl who indeed was a very special human being. You were so blessed to have shared his life with him. May your good memories sustain you in this time of grief

From: Bonnie
I think of our times at Wiarton High and how we worked so hard at helping Mrs. Kastner set up the Library in the new school addition and then one reads of another school friend passing away.


From: Mary Innes
Carl was a great neighbour and friend. The Innes-Lawless family always enjoyed chatting with Carl. He was interesting and interested. We are so lucky and grateful to have known Carl.

From: George Gordon
I would like to offer my condolences on Carl's Passing to Sheila and family. He will be missed. George Gordon

From: Laurie (Davis) Williams
I remember "Mr. Balls" (and Miss Smith) fondly from my years at Alexandra School back in the 60's. So sorry for the loss of such a great man. May Sheila and the family find comfort in their many wonderful memories and knowing that he had such a positive impact on so many people's lives.

From: Irene Fitzpatrick
Dearest Catherine and family.... what a legacy your dad has left you all! May the God of comfort ease your pain and help carry you through this most difficult time. Praying for you all ❤️

From: Aunt Gert and Uncle Len Smith, North Bay, Ontario
Sending out love and prayers to you Sheila, Michael and Catherine. Carl was a special person, and will be missed by many friends.


From: Elaine Lambert
I wanted to express my heartfelt condolences to all the Balls family. For right now, there's no detour around grief, no shortcut through mourning. However, 2 Cor.4:7 says that God can give us, "... power beyond what is normal ", to go from one day to the next. This does not mean that we no longer cry, or that we forget. It means we recover. We recover because of our hope. Jesus Christ talked about our hope in John 5:28, which says, "... all those in the memorial tomb will hear his voice and come out ". Jesus was referring to the resurrection. That is our amazing hope! The Bible likens our hope to an anchor. Just like an anchor stabilizes a ship, our hope stabilizes us and keeps us from drowning in overwhelming sadness. 2 Cor.1:3 describes our Creator as, "... the God of all comfort ". One way that God comforts us is by moving people who care about us to give us words of encouragement that we need to hear. May the God of comfort be your comfort now, at this time of sorrow. 


From: Kara McCluskie ( nee Rourke)
To Sheila and family, I am so sorry. My prayers are with you as you move into the coming days and months. I have very fond memories of "Mr. B" as I was also one of his grade 6 students at Dufferin School. His giggle will forever be in my mind. He did like to have fun, but could also be a strict teacher. You didn't misbehave in his class or he made you write out the dictionary! Thanks for your commitment to the education system Mr B. What a great man. Be at peace.

From: Brenda Tannahill-Playford
I have such fond memories of my grade six year at Dufferin, I can truly thank Mr. B! I think of him often as I hand write a note, I could not for the life of me make a nice cursive letter "r" and Mr. B made sure I practised. Thank you Mr. B RIP

From: Louise and Dave Low
Dear Sheila and family, Our sincere condolences to you. I have some great memories of Carl from teaching with him at Dufferin and both of you at Alexandra. He was such a caring friend, colleague, and teacher. He will be missed by many.

From: Margie and Roy Doman ( Gilchrist )
What a great write up , sure to a tee, so sorry for the loss of a great man that brought so much joy to each and every student , his family and friends! once he met you , even though it had been years, I think maybe it was the Alexandra School reunion , and we spoke, funny how he never forgot me , not sure if that was a good thing or not! what an amazing man he was and will continue his love of everything in Heaven , and in the hearts of all who knew him! sending loving condolences to you Mrs B and your children! , Hugs Margie Gilchrist Doman xo

From: Sandra Graham
This is beautifully written. RIP to one of my favourite teachers of all time! I'll always remember his humour and crazy crush on Raquel Welsh (sorry Mrs. B.!)

From: Richelle McMann
I am so sorry to learn about the passing of the most influential teacher I ever had, Mr. B was THE BEST!!! I have so many wonderful memories of my time at Duffrin School, and most of them include Mr B, I remember making kits in his room and burning my fingers on the hot glue guns time after time, but most of all I remember the black light shows we did under his direction!! They were the amazing! Every student couldn't wait to get to Mr.B's class to participate in the black light shows! I had the honour of delivering a speech when Mr. B retired from Duffrin School, and had the opportunity to tell him then how much he touched my life and how lucky we were to have him as a teacher! My grandmother Joyce Ashley and Mr.B had a great relationship for many years when she volunteered countless hours helping students at Duffrin! Sending Hugs to his wife Sheila and his whole Family. I can only hope my children get lucky enough to have a teacher half as amazing as he was to me! RIP Mr. B xoxoxoxoxoxox


From: David and Ruth Tupper
Dear Sheila and family, we were saddened to hear of Carl's passing. Our sincere condolences to you during this difficult time. May sweet memories sustain you. David and Ruth Tupper


From: Kathie Foster
RIP Mr Balls Over the years i never forgot what an amazing teacher and person you were i took everything you taught me and i carried it through my life My condolences to the family Carl was truly a Great person im so thankful to have known him


From: James Clark
It was a pleasure to read about the life and passions of a man I - and hundreds of other kids (and now adults) - knew as Mr. "B". As a teacher, he treated all students equally and with respect. Looking back, I now realize what a fine gift that was. Best wishes to the family

From: Mary and Ron Prout
Sheila and Family, We are so sorry to learn of Carl's passing . May he be at peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. With Sincere Sympathy........ Mary and Ron Prout.

From: Sandy Sewell
I will miss this great diamond in the rough, our sarcastic banter and our discussions over the infamous orange sweater! I was honored to have the pleasure of spending time with you and your family! I will treasure the great debates of our spelling bee's, but most of all the laughs and smiles we shared.🌻

From: Ria & Joe Bignucolo
Sheila: Sincerest condolences, prayers and heartfelt thoughts are with you all during this very difficult time. May your heavy hearts and sad thoughts be turned to happy hearts and smiles as you recall those special and treasured memories of Carl with family and friends, and may those memories bring you comfort. Rest in Peace Carl.


From: Debi Gill
Sheila I was so sad to hear about Carl. I will always remember how he always made me laugh every time I saw him. He was always kind and full of jokes Debi


From: Faye Fisher
I knew Carl for many years in the educational field. He was such an intriguing personality, I loved his sense of humour and his awesome way with young people. My sympathy to your family.


From: Mar Preston, your Smith cousin
I am so sorry that I've come so late into your life and didn't have the opportunity to know Carl. Some people contribute more to life than others and it sounds like he was fully engaged. I hope it's a comfort to you to know that he was so loved and appreciated


From: Amber Hill
I'm so sorry for the loss of this incredible man I had the pleasure to know. Always made me laugh and taught me to enjoy the little things. I will never forget this gentle man


From: Kanji and Ramila Patel
Thinking of you and wishing you peace and comfort as you remember Carl. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

From: Joanne Predan (nee Rodgers)
Carl served as a pseudo father to me, as I grew up with Catherine. We were treated to great humour, a kind heart and fantastic dance moves. Carl will be "stayin' alive" in my heart, forever.

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