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Remembering Larry Croft

From: Jerry and Donna Farrow
We are so sorry for the loss of a great man. He sure new how-to party and enjoy life.
Our thoughts are with the family .

From: Kirby Dunlop

My condolences to the family on your loss. He was a friend for years.

From: Celeste Eickholdt

So sad to learn of your Dad's is not an easy time when we lose our parents. Thinking of you Chopper and Shelley and remembering your Dad's friskey attitude and sense of humour. Take care of each other.

From: Aunt Peggy-Ann and Uncle Tom

Our heart felt condolences to Shelley-Ann, Larry, their families and all who grieve for Larry. May he rest in eternal peace. So comforting to read the condolences from friends and family. The words singing, dancing, fun times, kindness, friendship and laughter all stand out as a testament to how Larry, and our beloved Donna, lived their lives. Together now forever.

From: Steve & Lisa Cook & family

Chopper, Shelly and families, We are sad to hear of Larry's passing. We had so much fun and shared so much laughter over the years at the GYC club, Lions club and Cuba, We can picture Larry & Donna singing and dancing up a storm as they are reunited. Our deepest sympathies to you all. Steve & Lisa xo

From: Larry & Linda Ceaser

Our thoughts an Prayers are with Shelley Chopper & families. He will be missed by many and can now join with Donna and neighbours from the sideroad. Sharon you will really miss your brother.

From: Doris Sowerby and Family

Chopper, Jenn and Easton We were so sorry to hear of the passing of your father, grandfather and father in law Larry. May his memories bring you peace and comfort at this difficult time. Blessings to you and your family. Doris Sowerby and family

From: Uncle Bill and Aunt Marlene & family

Shelly, Chop and families Our sincere condolences on Larry’s passing. The memories we have shared with your Mom and Dad will live in our hearts forever. Our love and prayers are with you. Rest in peace Larry.

From: Uncle. Bud & Aunt Bonita

Our condolences to Shelley Ann & Chopper & families we will miss Larry. He is now with Donna. We had our visits each week in Country Lane. The last couple of weeks Larry was failing. We know he is pain free & in a better place.

From: Tracy Walker

I was so sorry to hear about Larry...He was always so very kind and a good man. My thoughts are with the family...

From: Staff @ GBBS

Sending sincere condolences to all family and friends, from staff of Grey Bruce Business Service.

From: Larry and Carol Becker

Carol and I wish to extend our most sincere and deepest condolences to the families and friends on the passing of Larry Croft Sr...I've known Larry since the late 60's and always found him to be always upbeat and willing to share a laugh ot two among many stories he could tell..He loved music and good times which was the key to our friendship over the years..Carol always admired his skills in the upholstery business and used him for some of her work.. He was a master craftsman..It goes without saying he will be sadly missed by all the people, family and friends who knew him..Rest in peace, my friend ...

From: Judy Grant

So very sad to hear of the Larry's passing. He was a very fun person to chat to in his scooter as he went around the lake. He will be missed.

From: Bev Walker and family

Our deepest condolences on the loss of Larry. May he rest in peace with his beloved wife Donna.


From: Rick & Berny

Shelley, Chop, and families. We’ll remember the parties, the card games, the family get togethers, the costumes, the singing and dancing, the laughter, and the just plain fun and silliness. We’ll remember the kindness, love, and the innate ability to pull family, friends, and strangers all together to have them good times. We’ll also remember the hard work, and the helping out folks who needed it. They will be missed.


From: Paul McKay

I’m very sorry to hear of Larry’s passing. Donna and Larry were great people.


From: Clayton, Bonnie Bartley and family

Our deepest condolences to Larry's family. Larry and Donna will now be dancing up a storm to many tunes. Growing up as neighbors we Bakers and Combers along with Larry got into alot of trouble but fun around the Lake. Donna and him will be missed greatly at the Club. Clayton,Bonnie and family.

From: Ronald Pollock

Super guy

From: Bob & Cynthia Cook

We are sorry to hear of Larry's passing, our thoughts are with the family.


From: Kim and Chub McComb

Chopper, Shelley and families, we were sad to hear of Larry’s passing. We will cherish the wonderful visits and many laughs we had with him and Donna over the years. He will be missed, lots of love Kim and Chub


From: Morag Stafford

So sad to hear of Larry's passing, sincere condolences to his family.

From: Angie + Andrew Blake

Sending love and ease in this time of grief and the release of his spirit.

From: Donna and Danny Bannister and Gerrie Malloy

Our heartfelt condolences to Larry’s family. We always had so much fun with him at the jamborees and playing guitars. He will be fondly remembered.


From: Terry and Debbie McNabb

Sending our deepest condolences to Larry's family at this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


From: Mary Jo Beirnes

Deepest condolences to Larry’s family and many friends.


From: Jim and Sharrie Brick

Please accept our sympathy for your loss. Your Dad was a master at his craft and a pleasure to deal with.


From: Karen Ann and Bill Johnson and family

He was always Uncle Lawrence to me and he will be missed Our prayers and condolences in your time of grief

From: Mac and Marilyn Taylor, and family

Fun times were always had with Larry and Donna. May they now rest in peace together. Our sincere sympathy to the entire Croft family as you grieve.


From: Paul & Jackie Pringle

So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers go our to the family. Larry will be missed by many


From: Dan Martin

My deepest sympathy to the Croft Family. Larry was a good friend and neighbour. RIP with Donna.


From: Betty Burrows

So sorry to hear of Larry's passing he will be very missed at the Lake and all his family


From: Carol Malloy

Big Hugs to all the family of Larry... I pray Donna and Larry are dancing in heaven,,Music was such a big part of their lives... They were Jim and my best friends for man many years ...Miss them both dearly... love Carol

From: Gary & Lori Carscadden

We are sorry to hear of Larry’s passing. Our sympathy to the Croft family. May you find comfort in your memories, take care.


From: Bill and Viola Cook

We are so sorry to hear of Larry's passing. He was truly a character and will be missed by many. Sincere condolences to everyone.


From: Pat and Donna Murphy

We were saddened to hear about Larry's passing. Larry was a super neighbour , and we enjoyed seeing the smile on his face whenever he drove up our lane in his "little red car" and chatted for a few minutes before waving and down the lane he would go. It is vert true that he now will be reunited with his much loved Donna. Now the two of them can sing, dance and party down with no more pain. May all the great memories sustain the entire Croft Family and may you all hold those memories close to your hearts.. RIP Larry

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