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Remembering Graeme Cameron

From:: Beth  Cottrill
Oh Linda! How your heart must be breaking after losing such  a remarkable son. There's no way I can know what you're going through my son is about the same age as Graeme. I read his obituary and I think he'd have been an amazing guy to know. Win gave me the news about him and about your medical crisis too. I won't wish you a merry Christmas but I do pray you'll experience the healing touch of the Man who is described as "a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" who was born on that first Christmas. I'm sending you a virtual hug that's as warm as it can be. Be assured of my prayers for you and your family.

From: Antoinette
Dearest Linda, 
I have fond memories of Graeme when I first met him at your house in Unionville when he was about 10. I remember him taking care of his younger siblings to give us some time to work on our joint research project. Without prompting, he started the bedtime routine including reading a few favourite books to Krysten and Stuart. You suggested that I join you upstairs to say goodnight to the children and we found the three of them on the bed with a pile of books and smiles on their faces.

I carry this memory of your kind and caring son with me. I know that if David Booth were still with us, that his heart would ache for you and your family as much as mine does. With lots of love, Antoinette

From: Cheryl & John Flint
To the Cameron Family:  we have just watched the very moving celebration of life for Graeme.  We were taken back to the days of Pioneer Camp where he and Adam first met, to the forming of their construction company, then the adventure they shared with Powell on their way to Mexico.  Adam had many tales to tell as they renovated an apartment in PV.  We remember Graeme returning home and working briefly in our ehealth  business.  He really impressed the ladies in the office with his charming ways. The last time we saw Graeme was at Adam and Lynn's wedding.  Our deepest condolences on your loss.  He was gone far too soon!


From: Kathy and Tom Batsas
To Kristen and family: Heartfelt condolences for your loss. You Graeme's memories be eternal.


From: Lisa

Dear Linda, Lee, Bruce, Deborah, and family, Graeme was a beautiful soul. He will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Wishing you all peace, gentility and love as you heal with the strength he’d have wished you in his absence.

From: Jen @ Ben Rimsa
So sad to hear you have lost Graeme, such a handsome young man.   We have an only son with Parkinson’s and can feel the pain you are going through.  Stay well.


From: Alain Johnson and Jocelyn Bertrand
It is with great sadness that we receive this terrible news. We both wish to send to your family our deepest condolences for your loss. Even though we feel your pain, I’m sure we cannot comprehend it’s full depth.
If there’s anything we can do, Linda and Lee, let us know.


From: Dave & Diane Toycen
Dear Bruce, Deborah and family, Please accept our condolences and prayers as your mourn the passing of Cameron.  The celebration of Graeme's life was deeply moving and also gave us the gift of knowing him as a talented and deeply caring person.  While the loss is overwhelming, may you continue to experience God's presence in the midst of  the this tragedy.     Love, Dave & Diane


From: Joan, John, and Margie
Dear Linda and Lee, Words are not easy at times of loss.   Your love and support of all of your children is so apparent in all you do.  Although we didn't know Cameron well, he was  obviously a bright star.  We are so sorry for your loss,  you are in our thoughts. You are in our thoughts as you find your way though this. We are praying for your healing, with the passage of time. We know you miss him; we send our understanding and consolation. Know that the strain, the pain, will eventually ease. May your pleasant memories sustain and comfort you. You are in our thoughts. 

From: Bill and Louise Ford
To Lee and Linda, our sincere condolences on the loss of your son - and how beautiful a son.  Your words were full of love and respect and the fullness of him.  Your devotion to this man shone through. 
May you find comfort in your family, your community, each other

Bill and Louise

From: Beth Harkness
I share the grief of the family as you heart is torn in pieces. May our caring and passionate Lord Jesus Christ envelope you in His everlasting peace at this time for He promised “ that where I go, you shall be also”.  Grief is dreadful experience but helps each of our hearts grow in important ways otherwise would not develop. My love to Deborah and Bruce, my dear friends.    Beth Harkness

From: Anne Taylor
Linda, you lost a shooting star.  I am so sorry for your loss.  Why can't hugs cross borders?  Anne

From: Jan & Denys Symons
To all the family, We so appreciated the wonderful service you assembled to honour Graeme, giving glory to God throughout. 
The music, Krysten & Stuart’s tribute, Harold’s message, the photo memories, Graeme’s prayer... all contributed to moving ours hearts, and everyone else’s, in thanksgiving for Graeme’s life. Your grief and loss is deep and very real. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will gently minister to each of you in a way that is a custom fit for you. With much love, Jan & Denys and all the Symons family.


From: Jon Congo
We have appreciative memories with you folks and are so sad for your loss.


From: Don Binkley
What an amazing guy.  Graeme was so talented in so many ways.  Unfortunately when I moved to Australia the distance caused our relationship to fade but I have always thought of him.  He inspired me in so many ways and I would not be the person I am today if it had not been for him.  G inspired me to start my first company and from there I have always been an entrepreneur.  He game me the belief and self confidence to “just go for it”.  I especially remember how crafty he was...and was often envious of his skill.  I look fondly on the times where we road our motor bikes all over northern Ontario.  I have never had a better haircut than at Graham’s salon at the frat house over a six pack.  We always called him G money for a reason.  He had it all.  I love you were one of those people that made others around you better.   
In hoc    Binks


From: Jay Natividad
Bruce, I am very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how difficult this is for you and your family. May our Lord of comfort minister to you and your family during this time . May you encounter His sweet abiding presence afresh as you mourn for the lost of Graeme.  My sincerest sympathy. 
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family will remain, Jay

From: Melodie Little
Dear Cameron family, My deepest condolences during this difficult time.  I can only imagine the grief and sense of loss you must feel.  My heart is broken with the unexpected passing of Graeme.  He will be missed.


From: Anthony Kola-Olusanya
Dear Linda and Lee, Awfully sorry for your loss. May God almighty strengthen and comfort the entire family during this moment of grief. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I like you to be consoled that Graeme is in a better place now and he is resting peacefully. Please accept my condolences.

From: Matt Saddington

I am shocked and saddened by your death. I really treasured our time spent together throughout university and afterwards. I will always remember you and the positivity and thoughtfulness you always showed me. You were a very positive influence on me and I will miss you Graeme. God bless.


From: The D I Giorgio 's
Our sincere sympathy at the loss of your son.  
Bridle Oaks resident

From: Debbie Wolfe
Dear all, I was so very sorry to learn this news. May God bless all of you and hold you close. With love, Debbie

From: Leah, Marco and Olivia De Santis
There are no words to truly comfort  a family who has lost a son, brother, uncle and dad. Your family has always been in our hearts and today it is truly broken over your loss. May God be with you now and always.


From: Thomas George
My deepest condolences Bruce and Deborah.


From: Yvonne Bush
I was so saddened to hear of your loss. May the love and care of those around you bring you comfort and peace in the days ahead. I send my prayers and condolences to you, Linda and Bruce, and your families. Much love to you all.

From: Dr. Ian D.D. Brown
Lots of Love from the Browns. I remember hearing about Mexican adventures... and stuffing his sister with smarties sounds fun.  Our Condolences Bruce, Linda and Family. Godspeed to Graeme and may he rest in Peace.

From: Jon and Marilee Congo
Dear Linda and family, we are so deeply saddened to hear of your great loss. Our hearts go out to you all at this very difficult time.
We recall Graeme as winsome, bright, energetic and gifted. Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers as you navigate the coming days, weeks and months. Much love to you all. xo Jon and Marilee

From: Bobbie and Doug Brown
Dear Camerons - we were very saddened and shocked to hear about Graeme's death. We knew he was having struggles but were not expecting this. We remember him as a kid and and his early years growing up. He was so bright, creative, artistic and caring. He was always fun to be with. Right now, our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. May the good memories of Graeme, your faith and the knowledge that many friends and family are thinking and praying with you, give you strength and support. Bobbie and Doug

From: Kerry Grossinger
My condolences to Krysten and your entire family for the loss of your brother. May his memory be a blessing and you all find comfort in his memory at this difficult time.


From: Tim & Jan Kaye
With deepest sadness and heavy hearts we trust that you will be comforted by the love of God’s spirit.

From: John & Helen Cameron
Bruce, Deborah, Linda we were truly saddened by the news of Graeme’s passing. While we didn’t know Graeme personally the loss of any child is tragic, and to lose one of your own heartbreaking. We understand your pain and grieve for you while hoping you can find solace in the knowledge Graeme’s struggles are over, that he’s at peace, and now open to what lays beyond our mortal existence.


From: Marilyn Barnes (Baggett)
Dear Linda & family, So sad to hear of your loss. My heartfelt condolences to the family. My prayers are with you at this time. Love Marilyn

From: Elaine & Jim Spencer
Dear Linda, Lee and family...You are all in my heart as I try to understand that such a wonderful person has been taken from you far too soon.  Although we did not see Graeme later in his life, we do have very  fond & sometimes quite funny memories of him as  young boy in Scarborough.  Happy, energetic and full of fun. Jim and I send you our deepest condolences and pray that the cherished memories of your son and brother will sustain you during this sad and very difficult time. Love to you all (especially godmother Linda), Jim & Elaine


From: Patricia and Dave Jackson
We are so so sorry for your loss Linda, Lee and the entire family. Taken too soon.

From: Beate and Greg Planche
To Linda, Lee and family may your memories of happier days bring you comfort.  Graeme's brilliant smile and good heart shines through in the picture you have chosen.   Sincere condolences from our family to yours.  B & G

From: Jan Selwyn Davis
I am so sad to hear of Graeme’s death. My heartfelt condolences to all his family.


From: Gayle Brosseau (nee Sparrow)
My deep condolences to Bruce and Linda And your families on the passing of your son Graeme.


From: Richard Marsella
Dear Linda, Lee and family.  My deepest condolences.  Thinking of you all at this difficult time.  With all our love, 
Richard Marsella & Lyne Mainville

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